When you have pets they impact every part of your life. From making you a kinder and more empathetic person to it being reflected in your creativity. We are going to talk about the latter. Sarah, a 25 year old from Texas expresses her creativity by making memes and comics inspired by her 2 pet birds; Chicken and Blue Boy. Chicken is an extremely pleasant cockatiel – with a typical bird brain whereas, BlueBoy, is a smol tiny parrotlet who is too bossy for his size. She at one point also had another parrotlet named White Boy who also makes some appearances in some of her comics. Gotta say, we love the names Sarah has for her birdies! An entire comic series were based on these two birds of Sarah (We can’t contain our excitement!)
Sarah talked about her comics and birds in an interview with Bored Panda. She told them,
‘[The stories are generally told] from Chicken’s perspective with humans mostly off-screen, hence ‘Chicken Thoughts. I love how intelligent birds are but also how illogical they can be — I’m sure we’re the same way!”
We totally agree with her on this! Especially on being intelligent yet illogical at times! She continued,
“One thing that makes the series special is I draw comics about some of my readers’ birds too, and have them on as guest stars! People will tell me a little bit about their birds and I come up with comics about them, drawn in my googly-eye style.”
Sarah’s work is special because her imaginative side is seen in her skill of making fabulous comics and narrating the story from the bird’s point of view but her inspiration for those comics stem from real-life pet behaviors. With the right combination of real life events and her creativity she creates magic! Her work is truly something, scroll down to check it out!
But let’s meet her real life birdies first!
Now, let’s get started with the comics, shall we?
We STAN this love!
Such a shame!
Wish we could have a crib like that to ourselves!
Should have let them reach the age of 80 to find out about this harsh reality!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
That peeping through the space had us!
Stupid stupid judgmental hoomans, huh!’
‘Tiny who? Your eyes! AND, your brain! Arghh’
That polite ‘thankyou’ though!
Look at that hard-working shredder!
Don’t worry, this is not the end! This is to let you know if you are enjoying this a little too much and hoped along the way that this would never come to an end, your wish has been granted!
As Sarah has compiled all these and MANY more comics into a book named as ‘Chicken Thoughts: Comics About Birds’ which will be up for grabs in November 2020 but you can also pre-order if you are too excited! Sarah is inspired by other bird cartoonists like Potatopato, A Budgie’s Life, and It’s A Birb Thing and love their work so much. This is what she had to say about her book,
“I’ve drawn comics for my friends at least since I was 11 years old. My best friend Jacky and I were in a lot of the same grade school classes, and we would draw cartoons about ourselves and our classmates and show each other. My earliest influence was Calvin and Hobbes, I would read my mom’s collections as a child.”
Give them some privacy, hooman!
“I am scared!”
If you can’t handle their extra-ness, don’t adopt them!
Told ya he is bossy!
Beware birdie he might take extreme measures!
Our heart! How smol!
Bird rocked, Hooman shocked!
During these times, better stay away from your hooman’s hands!
But really, birdie?!
Fun Fact: Sarah has a very noble purpose behind these comics – it is so people who do not and cannot have birds could vicariously enjoy the pleasure and nuisance of living with birds through her comics. She ADORES these birdies and she wants to share her love with the rest of the world. How generous!
She assured us that what she shows us through comics is actually true in real-life as well!
“They are allowed to roam around the apartment every day, and they mostly like to hang around me and my boyfriend preening, asking for food, and receiving head scritches.”
She then addressed what we have all been thinking about,
“A lot of people wonder why the cartoon Chicken is a lutino male while the real-life Chicken is a grey female. That’s because I just drew the first comic as a one-off about cockatiels in general and posted it in a Facebook bird group. It was such a hit that people asked me to make a page and post more! So the comic Chicken became based on my real-life bird, Chicken.”
You can continue with the comics now!
If this isn’t accurate!
‘Don’t try to fool us with those fake price tags!’
Fight! Fight!
Delusions are good for self-esteem!
It takes a ritual to be blessed by the presence of birdies !
But birdie’s ego is too huge to ask idiotic hooman some questions!
You have angered the tiny mighty Blue Boy!
Sshhh, don’t let the hooman know!
God forbid, a cold wing! Worst ever!
There are other ways to play hide and seek!
With great sadness, we have come to an end of this lighthearted post! We are overwhelmed with all the love for these smol adorable birdies. Their delusional and idiotic selves reminded us of our own such moments! And that’s what Sarah has been meaning to say all along that we are very similar to these birdies, more than we realize! (We’re not this cute though) Hopefully, you found yourselves in these comics too and had a great time! Don’t forget to buy her book if you loved these comics and certainly don’t forget to share this with your loved ones! They deserve to see these adorable babies!