
24 Glamours Birds That Are More Beautiful Than Any Instagram Model You’ve Ever Seen

  • By Hashir
  • August 18, 2020
  • 2 minutes read

Humans are God’s best creation and surely the most superior one. Our intelligence and intuition is unlike any other specie in the world. We can solve critical problems and make revolutionary changes in a way no one can. When we talk about the appearance of a human, we are blessed with diversity in color of our skin and facial features, but we are united by the color of our blood and all the internal mechanism of our body.

Every human is beautiful no matter the color of our skin, but when we look around and explore nature we are completely stunned by the beauty of different species of birds. They are way too beautiful to be compared with anything that exists on earth including humans. All those diverse colors, gorgeous feathers and stylish tails leave us in awe. Here we have collected 24 photos of enchanting birds that would overwhelm you with
astonishment. Scroll down to witness their stunning beauty.

Lilac-breasted Roller

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Colors! Lilac-breasted roller is an African member of the roller family of birds. These rollers are widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula, preferring open woodland and savannah. This is a national bird of Botswana. These rollers also prefer to be alone or in pairs, it perches conspicuously at the tops of trees, poles or other high vantage points from where it can spot insects, lizards, scorpions, snails, small birds and rodents moving about at ground level. #lonelyplanetindia #sanctuaryasia #saevuswildlife #naturephotography #natgeo #africa #botswana #bird #instagram #bbc #savannah #masaimara #colors #planetbirds✔ #birdersofinstagram #birders #planetbirds✔ #planetearth #planetbird @natgeotravellerindia @birds_adored @bbc_travel @bbcwildlifemagazine @outlooktraveller @canonasia #canon #rollerbirds #lonelyplanetindia #lonelyplanettraveller #lonelyplanetmagazineindia#birdsonearth

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This gorgeous yet colorful bird is the national bird of Kenya and Botswana. What an interesting fact.

Plum-headed Parakeet

Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

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Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher #natgeo #natgeoyourshot

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Rhinoceros Hornbills

Shining Sunbeam

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Colibrí paramuno (Aglaeactis cupripennis) The Shining Sunbeam is a large, dark-brown hummingbird with a lilac-gold iridescent lower back and rump. Like other sunbeams, it has a proportionally short bill for a hummingbird. Found at high altitudes, the Shining Sunbeam inhabits semi-arid montane ridges and cloud forests. Most populations are altitudinal migrants, descending seasonally to lower elevations. #best_birds_of_instagram #king_birds #nuts_about_birds #feathers #birds #birding #details #bb_of_ig #bestbirdshots #your_best_birds #birds_brilliance #birds #birding #natgeo #wildlife #canon #canon7d #canon7dmk2 #hummingbird #hummingbirds #hummingbirdsofinstagram #blue #colibri #natgeo #natgeowild #pocket_birds #bird_brilliance #birds_captures #idcolombia #ig_colombia #planetbirds #idpaisa #planetbirds #idpaisa #ig_armeniaco

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Fiery-throated Hummingbird

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A Fiery-Throated Hummingbird in Costa Rica.

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Birds come in a variety of color combinations yet none of them fights over who’s more superior. They are just quietly living in their community minding their own business without any fuss, unlike humans who can’t live without picking a fight. We are living in a bunch of lies that we tell ourselves that have no connection with reality. Our biggest competitor should be the old self that we have to change by constantly thinking positive and grooming. Come out as a better person after every argument that we have with ourself.

Velvet-purple Coronet

Rainbow Lorikeets

Painted Bunting

Nicobar Pigeon

Violaceous Trogon

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Northern Violacious Trogon, Photo taken during a Magic Birding Circuit trip!! San Jorge offers pre-scheduled and custom birdwatching tours, bird and wildlife photography tours, natural history and cultural tours. Send inquiries to [email protected] . #nature_worldwide_birds #your_best_birds #allmightybirds #birdfreaks #nuts_about_birds #bird_brilliance #nature_best_shots #birdphotography #wildlife_shots #nuts_about_birds #planetbirds #IgBirds #bestbirdshots #ig_discover_birdslife #feather_perfection #bb_of_ig #pocket_birds #photoarena_nature #anythingfeathered #kings_birds #ww_nature_knowledge #the_nature_club #bns_birds #eye_spy_birds #global4nature #magicbirdingcircuit #birds_adored #ip_birds #birds_captures #sanjorgeecolodge #magicbirdingcircuit #birds_adored

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Common Green Magpie

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. An evening in Sattal . ————————————- Common Green Magpie ————————————- . Shot at Uttarakhand, India on Nikon D750 with Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6 ED VR lens . ————————————————————– #nif #wildlife_perfection #eye_spy_birds #nuts_about_birds #bird_brilliance #your_best_birds #kings_birds #feather_perfection #bb_of_ig #bestbirdshots #pocket_birds  #allmightybirds #bns_birds #ig_discover_birdslife #bird_extreme #EarthCapture #world_bestanimal #topindianphoto #global4nature #sanctuaryasia #sassy_birds #phodus_competition #indianphotography #indianphotographyclub #indiaview #birdcaptures #birds_adored #planetbirds #birds #IamNikon

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Mandarin Duck

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A male or drake Mandarin Duck floats quietly on a sheltered portion of open water on an icy lake in Beijing, China. I watched for hours as a group of about 40 Mandarin Ducks would fly from the middle of the small lake where they would stand on the ice to the sheltered ice free water near the shoreline where they would search for food. •<|>• ** ** ** ** ** #bird #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdphotos #birdphotography #nature #natgeo #WildlifePlanet #your_best_birds #nuts_about_birds #birds_adored #bestbirdshots #bird_brilliance #pocket_birds #birds_nature #eye_spy_birds #animalelite #nature_perfection #thebirdingsquad #birds_illife #ip_birds #exclusive_wildlife #birds_captures #kings_birds #featured_wildlife #bb_of_ig #9vaga_birds9 #bns_birds

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 Hyacinth Macaw

Purple Gallinule

Three-wattled Bellbird

Violet-green Swallow


Wilson’s bird-of-paradise

Himalayan Monal

Guianan Cock-of-the-rock

Red Headed Tit

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紅頭山雀 Red-headed

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 Knysna Turaco

Lesser bird-of-paradise

All these birds are literally breathtaking. It is so difficult for us to decide which one is our favorite. Which one did you like the best? Let us know in the comments below.

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